Quarterly Meeting & Shop Stewards Meeting Update

Quarterly Meeting & Shop Stewards Meeting Update

It’s important to keep our members informed about the work we’re doing as their representatives. Below are some key highlights and a recap from our highly productive quarterly meeting, followed by the shop stewards’ meeting

Steinar Skarsvåg to Lead the Club

We now believe we have found the right person to lead the club forward. Steinar shares our views on how the club should operate and is committed to making a positive impact for the members, not for personal gain.

We are pleased that he has not only joined the club but also agreed to stand for election to the board and take on the leadership role. Of course, there is a formal process: Steinar will need to submit his candidacy and be voted in by you, the members. However, if elected, we see this as a major step forward for the club, and it is fitting to have a Norwegian leader for a Norwegian union.

I want to be clear that I am not stepping away. If I am re-elected to the board this year, I am fully prepared to step down as chairman and serve as vice chairman, offering my full support to Steinar. Thomas, Barbro, and I, along with our union representatives, will continue to fight for your rights and work towards better benefits and conditions, which we believe will create a stronger working environment and ultimately deliver top-quality results for the company and its clients.

Progress in Healthcare for all Our Employees

We’re excited to share a significant update in our ongoing push for private healthcare. After two years of hard work, we have reached a major milestone—private healthcare for all!

A few months ago, our Scandinavian colleagues were the first to benefit from the rollout, and now, as of November, everyone will be on the a healthcare plan. This means all employees, regardless of location, will have access to the same level of private healthcare, ensuring consistency and fairness across the company in Norway.

While we’re still reviewing the finer details of the plans, we’ve been assured that it matches the setup currently in place for our overseas colleagues. We’ll continue to evaluate the new arrangement and keep you informed as we learn more about how it will benefit you.

In addition to this, we’ve also started discussions around a health prevention scheme, modeled on a program running at another drilling company. While specifics are still being worked out, the aim is to focus on preventing injuries and sickness by prioritizing employee health and wellbeing. This forward-thinking approach demonstrates the company’s growing commitment to supporting a healthier workforce.

As always, your union will keep pushing for initiatives that protect and enhance your health and wellbeing, because we believe it’s the foundation of a successful working life. We look forward to seeing how these new developments will positively impact everyone!

Stay tuned for more updates! Together, we’re taking big steps forward.

HKVO Anders Blom – PPE Catalogue and PPE Board Representation

HKVO Anders Blom gave an update on the VO organisation, which naturally led into a broader discussion about the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) catalogue and the board responsible for managing it.

During the meeting, we made it clear that we strongly disagree with the current composition of the PPE board. One of our key concerns is that there are no representatives from the workplace on this board, which we believe is crucial for ensuring that employee needs and safety concerns are properly addressed. We stressed that this situation needs to change, although no concrete direction was given on how to proceed with making those changes. Rest assured, we will continue pushing for better representation.

On a positive note, we were informed that employees are fully within their rights to order any items from the PPE catalogue that they believe are better suited to their work positions. If you find a product that improves your safety or comfort on the job, you can request it through the logistics department, and it will be made available to you.

We’ll keep you updated on any further developments, especially regarding the board’s makeup and how we can ensure workplace voices are included. In the meantime, take full advantage of the PPE catalogue to select the best equipment for your needs!

Your safety is our priority, and we’re committed to ensuring your voice is heard in these important decisions.

Productive Three-Day Meeting Recap

Day One:
Our first day focused on discussions with the board members. We were excited to discuss the proposal of Steinar running for both the board and club leader positions. All three of us fully support this and are eager about the direction it could take us.

We also reviewed the financials, ongoing cases, and reflected on the year so far, including our plans for the remaining months. Another key topic was the upcoming board election and potential changes to the constitution to accommodate Steinar’s inclusion, should he be voted in.

In the evening, we were joined by Erik Evensgaard for dinner, where we had a constructive conversation. We all agreed to maintain strong communication moving forward to ensure smooth collaboration.

Day Two:
On the second day, two of our shop stewards joined us, and their presence was much appreciated. The day began with Erik providing an update on contracts and the Diamond procurement. While the details remain confidential, he shared some positive news, and we’re hopeful that good things are ahead.

Later, Torhild Kalstø, SAFE’s Pension Advisor, gave a talk on pension options. Members can benefit from her advice for personalized pension planning. For more details, visit the following link: SAFE Pension Information.

We also had a meeting with Anders Blom, followed by a session with Bjarte Lygre, Leader at SAFE i KCA Deutag and Union Board Member, who provided an update on the Tariff negotiations.

After a full day of meetings, we took some time for team-building with a trip to the motorsport center for off-road driving. It was an absolute blast! Seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces as they stepped out of the vehicles was priceless.

Day Three:
Day three began with a working breakfast, where we had productive and insightful discussions with the shop stewards. It was such a valuable session, and we all agreed that more frequent meetings like this are essential.

After lunch, we headed home—tired from the busy days but satisfied with the successful and productive meetings.