Quarantine Update

Quarantine Update

Information regards the upcoming appeal

We should get the verdict one month after the case is heard.

ARBEIDSRETTEN – Labour Court of Norway

The Labour Court of Norway is a specialist court that considers disputes between parties to collective agreements concerning the existence, interpretation and validity of the collective agreement. The court was established through Act No 2 of 6 August 1915 relating to Labour Disputes and took up its duties with effect from 1 January 1916.

The court’s activities are now regulated by Act No 9 of 27 January 2012 relating to Labour Disputes and Act No 2 of 18 July 1958 relating to Civil Service Disputes. In addition to its judicial duties, the Labour Court takes part in international law work, among other things by preparing reports and giving speeches at meetings of the European labour courts.

The Labour Court is subordinate to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in administrative matters. Cases before the Labour Court are presided over by professional judges and judges with expertise on labour matters. The court has three permanent professional judges. The other judges and deputy judges are appointed by the King in Council for three years at a time based on nominations from employee and employer organisations and proposals from the ministry.